This is the story of my last birth with my son. It was such a cool experience and felt that it was what natural birth was meant to be like. I was on a birth high for days. It was so lovely. I am so glad that I listened to my intuition and changed providers as well. This birth I did get some photos at the hospital which was nice but not during the birth... really it went to fast for anything like that though lol. As a birth photographer I love capturing photos and making them even better afterwards by focusing on what is really important in the photo. As a doula I always tell my clients they can ask for a new nurse. That is one thing I wished I would have done and it would have made my experience even better. I always feel so lucky and honored when people invite into their birth space. It is so special and so sacred. I am so grateful for these heavenly moments that I get to be a part of.
An amazing story…After my last birthing experience I learned to be much more patient this time and was fine waiting until my body and my baby was ready. Plus I had two little ones to chase around that was keeping me busy. I also decided to hire a doula, which Jay didn't like the idea of and I think he was hurt that I didn't feel like his support was enough the last time. I know it is hard for men to see their women in pain and not know how to help. I was hoping she could give him some direction (that didn't workout though lol). I switched midwives 2 weeks before I gave birth to Sammy. My original midwife in the beginning said she was fine with my trying to go natural and unmedicated. Then towards the end she would let me know that she was in control and she was calling the shots. I didn’t feel like she supported my natural choices so much anymore. I thought it was too late to switch but then 1 day I just realized that I could not have her in my delivery room. So my new midwife didn’t ask any questions but said it must have been bad if I was switching a week before my due date. She said that she would do her best to support me though. I worked for Turn Community Services at the time and was working a sleeping grave shift when things started. I was a week over my due date and still wondered if I was in labor. It was never like the movies where the woman looks over at her man and says, “Honey it’s time.“ But shortly after my contractions started to come on real strong. So I called my boss to come in so I could leave. I called my midwife and told her that I lost my mucus plug and she said she would meet me at the hospital. I was already dilated to a 3 for about a month now. I called Jay to meet me at the hospital then I realized that I was not going to be able to drive myself, so I called and asked Jay to come get me. It took awhile for my boss to come in and it took Jay awhile to find the house that I was working at. By the time Jay had picked me up my contractions were back to back and I could hardly get a breath in between. It took all of my energy and concentration to just take slow deep breathes. I finally told Jay when we got there to just pull up to the emergency room doors and park there and he asked if that would be ok….I said "YES, it will have to be." I knew the baby was coming real soon. So we got to Ogden Regional Hospital and in the elevator my water broke. I came out of the elevator yelling asking for a room. I threw off my pants and I laid down on the bed and asked if I could push…my midwife and nurse said sure. Part of me didn't believe it was time. So I did, with a throaty grunt and pulling on Jays levi jacket that he had not taken off yet. A few pushes later Sammy was born. It felt like he just rode the waves out with the water. Everyone was so surprised. Jay said that I was amazing and it felt so good to hear that from him and to truly feel it in myself. One of the nurses also said that it was amazing and was so cool she wished she had it on video. Jay did not want to cut the cord again so one of the nurses did. I later wished that I had cut his cord, but that is ok. I wanted to hold Sammy right away but I was so caught up in the moment and excitement of how fast things went that I let them clean him up first. Looking back I wished I had held him on my chest right away before they wrapped him up. My doula showed up about 20 minutes after I had him. My whole labor lastest about 2 hours, start to finish. So it was fast. I really felt like hiring her was helpful still because I wasn't putting so much pressure on Jay I believe it helped him be there for me more and in ways that surprised me. I was so pleased with myself. I was so empowered and new that I could do anything. I had much less resistance, much more allowing space for this process and a lot less emotional garbage in the way. I had really worked on letting go of a lot of things and it definately showed up in this birth. I was more confident, connected, grounded, trusted my body and the process more. I felt that this was what natural birth was supposed to feel like and it was amazing. Sammy was born at 2:43am on January 26, 2003 on a moon that was 1/3 full, weighing 7lbs 13oz. He was my biggest baby but not that much bigger than his brother. He was so beautiful just like the rest, all in their own ways. I showered and then ate some food and adored my new baby boy. I then tried to sleep which was not easy with the nurses bothering me all night and I could not wait to get home. I had a nurse that was not very nice and was giving me and Jay a hard time about refusing all the things they did as routine such as vaccines, vitamin k, eye drops, and pku. I really wished I would have asked for a new one. I was there less than 12 hours though, so it was ok. I recovered quickly from this birth and felt like I was on a natural high for a few days after. Sammy is so beautiful and is always teaching me. I love being Sammy’s mom. This experience with all my other birth experiences inspired me to be a doula and to assist other women in having great birthing experiences. It is really so amazing and I am grateful to be a woman and have this opportunity to be a part of life flowing through me this way.